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While there is universal agreement about the importance of Startegy and its implmentation, there are evryday examples of disconnection between the reality of helth care and corporate startegy, between long term plans and actual execution, between expectations and actual financial results. 

Through ThinKeen  Strategic Planning & Implementation process Clients are guided in setting a reality-based business strategy built on measurable assumptions, on reliable market information and on a decision-making process framed around shared and rational decision criteria. 
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While the planning & implementation process involves the typical 4 phases (Appraisal, Decision, Implementation & Result Management), each step is designed around the needs of the life science industry. ThinKeen Strategy Planning & Implementation process "speaks" the same language of developers and manufacturers of medical devices, biopharmaceuticals and pharmaceuticals.
ThinKeen Strategy Planning & Implementation process stresses the value of a full (and visible) set of strategic alternatives driving profitable growth. In this way we help clients to explore also the less "usual" or less "comfortable" strategic directions and choices, we make sure that not only the organic growth alternatives are evaluated and prioritized but also inorganic and more ambitious pathways are taken in consideration and followed through.
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In the Life Science industry, organizations who already enjoy a consolidated international presence are often suffering because of stagnating international sales growth rates while the complexity of international product launches too often delays the long-planned revenue growth. Since new product launches are often unable –alone- to change significantly the international growth rates, heavier cuts of operating expenses often seem  necessary to release a stronger international pre-tax growth.
This practice puts the long-term competitive position of the company at risk.  Before entering heavily in cost-cutting processes that imply organizational changes and changes of both organizational and individual accountabilities, successful companies take a deeper look at the unexploited top and bottom line potential across markets and products.





For 20+ years of observations and support to the internationalization of large companies  we have noticed a common trait, a baseline reluctance to plan and implement long-term course of actions in relation to nonorganic growth such as new market entrance or M&A.
With a good degree of approximation we can say that the roots of this trait are normally related to the perceived high business risk, to the fragmented nature of information needed to make non-ordinary decisions and to the perceived weakness of the decision-making processes. Moreover, since majority of companies have an historical record of successes in their core business of core products in the home markets, it is common practice to focus abundant resources on the day-to-day operations of these markets.  
This often results in a painful fight for unimpressive market share gains at the cost of profitability.  ThinKeen provocatively named this organizational behavior "Circle of Immobility" and offers to its Clients a strategic planning process that addresses exactly these barriers and facilitates the exit from the "circle" towards more virtuous use of corporate resources. 
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